14th December 2023, New York / New Delhi Global AI (Artificial Intelligence) Thought leader and Tech. Analyst Mr Sumant Parimal predicted about ‘AI for All’ four years back while publishing his insights in Forbes Global AI Experts Panel in year 2019, and now his prediction is turning into a reality as Indian PM Mr Narendra Modi has announced that his Govt. shall be ensuring ‘AI for All’ and further announced a national AI Mission for achieving the same while inaugurating GPAI Summit 2023 at New Delhi.

“It was heartening to listen PM Modi inaugural speech at Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) Summit 2023 where Primer Minister has given a call for ‘AI for All’ in India and also announced an inclusive AI Mission of Govt. of India which shall be helpful in achieving this ‘AI for All’ call. It was a moment of great satisfaction for me personally when PM Modi picked up ‘AI for All’ under his Govt.’s agenda for rolling out and implementation in India, as four years back when I predicted ‘AI for All’ then at the core of this thought leadership was to make AI available for the benefits of all in order to enhance overall development and growth of the nations and its people” said Mr Sumant Parimal, Chief Analyst of 5 Jewels Research.

While elaborating on his thought leadership for ‘AI for All’ Mr Sumant Parimal further said “AI for All means empowering all by utilizing innovative and productive powers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies. AI for All to ensure that people’s incomes goes up, people’s safety and security gets better, people’s health and wellness gets enhanced, people’s learning and creativity gets improved, people’s productivity and efficiency goes up and various new opportunities also gets opened up for the people. In most populus country like India, AI and its democratization through AI for All is going to be a game changer for achieving faster economic growth of the country which shall further enable Govt. of India’s mission to become a developed country by 2047. Hence for India, ‘AI for All’ means giving aspirations and enabling those aspirations to millions of people of India”.

“I am happy to note that Indian Govt. has now taken up a lead in propelling idea of AI for All under the visionary leadership of PM Modi, its now time to expect similar plans in line with Indian Govt. plan of ‘AI for All’ to be adopted by various nations and trade bodies around the World. It is important to ensure that safe and responsible AI For All at everywhere to be made available by adopting holistic and inclusive AI Tech. innovation and adoption frameworks” Mr Sumant adds further in his statement.

Due to his unique thought leadership on AI and AI For All, Sumant Parimal was recognized as top most AI thought leader and expert in the Global AI Experts panel of Forbes , during year 2019-20.