Hyderabad, 13th October 2023: BJP Leader Ms Karuna Gopal Vartakavi is invited to give a Plenary Keynote Address at the Commonwealth Local Government Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, SOUTH AFRICA. The invitation is extended by the Secretary General of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) in London UK This conference is hosted by the Government of Rwanda in November 2023.

The Conference is the flagship event of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF), the Commonwealth organization which focuses on prosperity to the 2.6 billion citizens of the Commonwealth. The theme of the 2023 Conference is “Building Resilience across the Commonwealth”.

Key participants would be around 500 Senior Mayors, Ministers, Senior Officials, Development Partners, and other Stakeholders from across the 56 Member States of the Commonwealth, including high-profile speakers from governments, development agencies, civil society, and the private sector.

The invitation letter said, “We would be honored to have Ms. Gopal as a Plenary Keynote Speaker with her vast international expertise on People-Centric Governance, Sustainable Cities, Innovation, and Technology”.

CLGF is a Global Platform to discuss key issues relating to City Governments for Global Policy Shaping The recommendations of this conference will be shared at the 2024 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).

Ms Karuna Gopal Vartakavi

Speaking about it, Ms Karuna Gopal Vartakavi said “I am happy to represent India as our country is the fourth largest contributor to the overall Commonwealth budget. As CLGF engages directly with the United Nations, Commonwealth Heads of Government, and the European Union on global policy issues, India’s voice that is also considered as the ‘VOICE OF GLOBAL SOUTH‘ will be amplified.

Moreover, CLGF and its Commonwealth partners have launched the Call to Action on ‘Sustainable Urbanisation in the Commonwealth’ – this seeks a greater focus on addressing rapid urbanization and the impacts of climate change. This as you know has been my expertise.

Ms Karuna Gopal Vartakavi, President – Foundation for Futuristic Cities, Independent Director – Engineers India Ltd and BJP National In-charge for Policies and Research. She is a Global Thought Leader, Innovator, and sought-after Keynote speaker. In the last decade, Ms Gopal has given more than 100 Keynote and plenary Addresses Globally at conferences relating to Technology | Sustainable Smart Cities the innovation Economy. For more information Website: www.karunagopal.com