April 19th, 2023:CLIRNET, India’s fastest growing community of doctors, has announced the launch of AiDA, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered Doctor’s Assistant. AiDA is designed to assist doctors and medical practitioners in their daily practice by providing a quick, probable, and accurate diagnosis. Built on top of the OpenAI platform, AiDA is a state-of-the-art tool that leverages advanced machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques to support doctors in making informed decisions, minimizing potential of human error, and providing the best possible care to their patients. The benefits will be reaped by doctors across India, including those practicing in the remotest areas.

AiDA in its first phase will help doctors with Differential Diagnosis (DDx) based on natural language queries, something the doctor community has sought for a long. Excellent results have been obtained from the initial usage tests with doctors pan-India. DDx will assist the doctor to make an informed diagnosis by suggesting a list of medical conditions (with associated probabilities) that share the same symptoms. Requiring minimal tech skills, AiDA will help doctors achieve diagnostic excellence. This will create a deep positive impact on patient outcomes and reduce mortality.

AiDA is built using the powerful AI technique called transformers. It is a large language model (LLM) trained on millions of published articles, CLIRNET content, clinical studies, PubMed papers, and other similar texts. Its Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine allows it to understand conversational English, while the LLM along with the Generative Pre-transformer finds relevant responses and explains them in plain English.

“CLIRNET is committed to improving healthcare outcomes by leveraging the power of technology. With AiDA, we are taking a big step towards achieving our goal. AiDA is designed to make life easier for doctors by providing them with the support they need to make accurate and informed decisions. The benefits will be reaped by doctors across India, including those practicing in the remotest areas. We are confident that AIDA will be a game-changer in the healthcare industry,” said Mr. Saurav Kasera, co-founder of CLIRNET.

“We believe that AIDA has the potential to revolutionize the way doctors practice medicine. By leveraging the power of AI, we can empower doctors with the tools they need to provide better patient care, reduce diagnosis times, and improve treatment outcomes. We are excited to launch AIDA within such a short time and look forward to seeing it make a positive impact on healthcare outcomes,” added Mr. Kasera.

The CLIRNET platform including AiDA is free for all verified doctors practicing in India.