Esic Hospital in Sanand, Gujarat to Be Built With the Design and Plan by Architect Prateek Parashar

New Delhi, 28 February. Prateek Parashar, a student of Poornima University (PU), Jaipur was awarded by the Union Minister of Employment and Labour, Forest and Climate Change, Bhupendra Yadav for preparing the best plan and design of an upgradeable ESIC hospital from 350 to 500 beds. On the occasion of ESIC Foundation Day, Prateek was honored with a cheque of one lakh rupees and a citation as wining the first prize at a grand function organized at Dr. Ambedkar International Center, New Delhi. Based on this design of Prateek, a hospital will be built in Sanand town, in Gujarat State in short while. It is notable that Prateek Parashar is pursuing his Master in Urban Planning from Poornima University (PU), Jaipur.

ESIC Hospital in Sanand,

In this regard entries from all over the country were invited for this design competition organized by the Employees State Insurance Corporation, Government of India. Out of which the plan and design prepared and presented by Prateek Parashar was declared the first winner by the Jury members. Prateek hilighted the concept and salient features of the Plan that this hospital can be upgraded from 350 beds to 500 beds. In this campus three blocks of the hospital building will be constructed. In this plan blocks of OPD; Emergency and Mother Child care & IPD are proposed serving different purposes for segregating the patient’s and visitors with interconnection by bridges at different levels. Hence there will be no unnecessary crowd of patients and their relatives in the single building. In this design, separate spaces have been fixed for green area, buffer space and shops of medicine, other useful shops. Along with this, special attention has been given to other important points including sustainability, natural light, solar energy and rain water harvesting and storage.

It is notable that Prateek’s father Sri Chandra Shekhar Parashar has retired from the post of Additional Chief Town Planner in the Government of Rajasthan and is currently working as ACTP & Coordinator in Nagar Nigam Jaipur Heritage.

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