Indian para-atletes make a mark on the first day of the 43rd Senior, 30th Junior Asian Track & 12th Para Track Cycling Championships!
Silver medal winning team in the 750 meters Mixed team Sprint and the officials (L-R) Shri K Dathatraye, Organising Secretary, Telangana Cycling Association; Shaik Arshad; Jalaluddin Ansari; Aditya Mehta, Chief Coach Team India and Founder AMF; Shri Maninder Singh, Secretary General, CFI; Shri Onkar Singh, Secretary General, Asian Cycling Confederation & Basavaraj Horaddi; at the Asian Para Cycling Championship, in New Delhi, today.

Hyderabad, 23rd February, 2024: The day one of the 43rd Senior, 30th Junior Asian Track & 12th Para Track Cycling Championships, being held from February 21st to 26th, 2024, at the Indoor Cycling Velodrome, IG Sports Complex, New Delhi; started with an amazing result for India. India got its first set of medals, Arshad Shaik (Category -C2), Jalaluddin Ansari (Category -C2) and Basavaraj Horradi (Category -C5) won the silver medal in the 750 meters Team Sprint.

The support for the complete training of this team was provided by GMMCO, Qualcomm, Nirmaan, United Way of Hyderabad, NMDC, Mudhra Trust and UST Global. These para-athletes have really worked hard since the last 4 years with the Aditya Mehta Foundation and team. This is just the beginning for this championship., more to go, tomorrow, day after and so on, there are back-to-back competitions, says .

Indian participants at the ongoing tournament, trained at the Aditya Mehta Foundation are Jyoti Gaderiya from Maharashtra and Arshad Shaik from Andhra Pradesh, both of whom have qualified for Paralympics 2024, AryaVardhan of Telangana and Pavan from Andhra Pradesh, Basavaraj Horradi from Karnataka and Jalaluddin Ansari from Bihar.

Jyoti Gaderiya an above knee amputee cyclist, is Asia No.2 Female Para cyclist and Arshad Shaik an above knee amputee cyclist, is Asia no.2 in Men’s Paracycling. Both these para-cyclists have qualified and will represent India for Paralympics 2024.

Cycling federation of India and Aditya Mehta Foundation have worked really hard with all these para-athletes.