Jayesh Ranjan launched a new chapter,

Hyderabad,8th April 2024 ….. Corporate Connections expands its footprint in Telangana. In a function held in Hotel Park Hyatt in Hyderabad on Saturday night, Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary of the Industries & Commerce (I&C) and Information Technology (IT) Departments of the Telangana government launched a new chapter of a global networking platform in Hyderabad

Mr.S.P.Reddy, Chairman & MD, Terminus Group, S. Sharad Mahiswari, Kamalesh Gupta, Executive Directors of Corporate Connections and KVT Ramesh Master Franchise for Corporate Connections in Telangana and AP also graced the launch.

Speaking on the occasion Jayesh Ranjan said Telangana is a progressive state. But our progress is island growth. Our growth is not inclusive. While large companies are doing well MSMEs are struggling, shutting down. While urban cities are progressing fast, rural places are stagnant. Though we promised to double agriculture income, we are nowhere close to doubling. So he emphasized balancing economic growth in the state.

Jayesh Ranjan urged just launched Chapter 7 to focus on Telangana as the most progressive state to their peers in other states. Showcase the strengths of the state. Promote investments into the state. This music to government officials like me. He expressed his desire that the Government of Telangana will work with Corporate Connections and Chapter 7 in organizing their global events at Hyderabad

Corporate Communications has already one chapter in Hyderabad and it is the second one.

This Chapter launched had an initial membership of 18 individuals/business owners, Ssharad Mahiswari, Executive Director, of Corporate Connections said that they would be limiting the membership to 25 per chapter.

About 100 guests including Corporate Connections members and many outstation guests participated in the launch function. We had the presence of Directors & Members from 18 Cities in India and a video message was shared by Global Market President Robert Gervais informed Sharad Mahiswari.

Corporate Communications is Canada-headquartered and has a global presence. Corporate Connections is spread over 4 continents across 29 countries and 65 cities.

Corporate Connections has 600-plus Members in India and plans to expand to various cities in India. We are looking to spread our wings into multiple cities immediately,” said KVT Ramesh

This is an ideal platform for global business leaders to generate exceptional and measurable results through executive networking opportunities. Our proven model has helped executives build strategic and tactical relationships through a structured and supportive environment and has been a catalyst for change in their businesses and communities.

Further, only one individual from an industry vertical can become a member of a chapter. “to make a safe environment to do business”.

“Corporate Connections is the premier platform for accelerating executive-level connections. It provides global business leaders with the ideal setting for generating exceptional and measurable results through executive networking opportunities.” “Our members join CorporateConnections®️ to develop business relationships, gain access to advanced professional development opportunities and participate in peer advisory groups, said S. Shard Mahiswari.