Russian Centre

Ahmedabad, 1st June 2024: Knowledge Chamber of Commerce and Industry signed an MOU with the Russian Centre for Conservative Policy, ahead of MSME Convention 2024 and its 6th Annual Foundation Day. This MOU was signed as a part of enduring bilateral relations with Russia. The Soviet Union has always been a time-tested partner for India and their relations have been intact despite global upheavals.

This MOU has been signed to promote and encourage Trade, Investment and Tourism opportunities between India and Russia. KCCI will conduct various delegations, events, exhibitions and conferences to spread awareness with the support of Russian Centre for Conservative Policy. These delegations, events, exhibitions and conferences will be announced from time to time as and when planned throughout the year for the mutual benefit of International Business and facilitate members of both organizations.

Mr. K. K. Petrichenko, Director, of International Cooperation, Russian Centre for Conservative Policy said,’ Russian foreign policy is open and rational and is created on the respect for universal principles and norms of international law and equitable international cooperation to resolve common problems and promote common interests as we all are entering a new era of rapid development and technological transformation. Partnering with the Knowledge Chamber of Commerce with our counterpart in Gujarat will help us to move forward with the common goals of a progressive economy. Signing this MOU between KCCI and RCCP will strengthen relations between both nations by increasing trade and commerce between Russian and Indian businesses.’

Mr. Evtukh Aleksandr, Gujarat Head, Russian Centre for Conservative Policy said, ’KCCI and RCCP will continuously work towards supporting the sustainable development goals of both the countries. This MOU signed with KCCI will support members of both organizations through various programmes, conventions and activities organized throughout the year’.

Mr. Bharat Patel, Secretary General, Knowledge Chamber of Commerce & Industry said, ’KCCI is actively working towards progressive India and we keep on conducting events and seminars on behalf of central and state departments to spread awareness and connect MSME, Entrepreneurs and Start-ups to scale and upscale their business. Signing this MOU with the Russian Centre for Conservative Policy, will strengthen ties between Indian and Russian businesses and encourage us to support the Chamber for both’.

Mr. Mehul Raval, Executive Deputy Head Gujarat, Russian Centre for Conservative Policy said, ’RCCP is the counterpart of Gujarat, India and this MOU will help the start-ups, especially of Gujarat, to tie up with the Russian companies for upscaling their business or vice versa.’

Mr. Dhaval Raval, Chairman, of Aerospace and Defence said, ‘Russia is one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of Defence and Aerospace products, signing this MOU will prove crucial as KCCI and RCCP will be working collectively towards vendor development in Aerospace and Defence procurement. IT will also help to strengthen local and small entrepreneurs and inspire ancillary units to set and tap the international market