27th January 2024 SVP Films today unveiled the official poster of their upcoming movie, ‘Jahankilla’, which is dedicated exclusively to first responders. ‘Jahankilla’ is produced by Satinder Kaur, and directed by Vickey Kadam, with cinematography by Anshul Chobey, music by D&S, choreography by Samadhan Sargar, a background score by Rohit Kulkarni, and editing by Sailessh Dubey. The film portrays the selfless sacrifices our unsung heroes make every day for the love of their duty and motherland.
Commenting on the poster’s launch, SVP Films stated, “‘Jahankilla’ is one of the most inspirational movie scripts we have ever come across. The movie is very close to our hearts and will create a relatable experience for audiences quite seamlessly!”
The makers of ‘Jahankilla’ also launched a promotional song for their movie today, titled ‘Shubh Karman’. This track, which is expected to invoke a sense of patriotism among audiences, salutes the spirit of the Shubh Karmans, vis-à-vis the first responders. The track is sung by Devenderpal Singh, with music composed by D&S, lyrics by Shellee, and background vocals from Akshay Bhatia, Renupreet, Reena, and Jaigmeet.
Listen to the song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKt__7uceKo
Watch official posters here: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2eTj2dSdD9/?igsh=cG80b3IwYzF3ZmJr
‘Jahankilla’ will be released worldwide on March 22 at theaters near you.