Celebration of Women in Mobility If women can bear the excruciating pain of childbirth, they can do any job: Dr K.C. Vohra

Hyderabad, March 08, 2024.……The SAEINDIA and BVRIT college on Friday celebrated Women’s Day at a special event BAJA SAEINDIA 2024 at its Narsapur campus.

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It was an occasion to celebrate Women in Mobility said , . Women drive innovation in transportation. They are at the forefront of the mobility industry. Cummins India, a company today has a 40% representation of women in the company

Speaking further Dr Vohra who is the AllIndia Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and The Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) Distinguished Visiting Professor asked Why women are better than men? and if they can bear the excruciating pain of childbirth, they can do any job, he said. Women are equally stronger physically than men and mentally stronger than men.

The celebrations featured a few highly accomplished women in the automobile industry. They include Shivani Parmar, National Rally Driver from Mumbai; Khushbhoo Gupta from Hero Moto Corp, Gayatri Kemburu of Renault Nissan Tech; Elangeswari from Detroit Engineering Products; Gunnam Lasya, Senior Manager Tata Motors and Dr. H Sujana of BVRIT College

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Dr. H Sujana of BVRIT College said women should believe in themselves. According to a Harward Survey, men believe in themselves more than women do.

Gayatri Kemburu of Renault Nissan Tech said it is a mind block of people that women can’t work in men-dominated industries such as manufacturing. It is no longer a men-dominated industry.

She added that 62% of Vietnam’s population works in the mobility sector. Whereas in India just 15 to 20%.

Sri Vishnu Institute of Technology, a girl engineering college’s 200 plus girls who worked on and produced more than 10 all-terrain off-road vehicles over a while proves their capabilities said Gunnam Lasya, Senior Manager of Tata Motors. Lasya is an alumnus of that college.

In Tata Motors more than 2000 women work in the all-women assembly line for Tata Safari and Harrier SUVs, shared Lasya, who is a crash safety lead at Tata Motors.

Diversity brings profit to the organization, said Gayatri. Companies are doing an exclusive diversity recruitment drive, she said.

The government is also emphasizing diversity. More and more industries are trying to recruit more women in old and new roles said Khushbhoo Gupta from Hero Moto Corp,

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All the women in mobility shared their journey. Then they participated in a panel discussion. Deepti Singh, Deputy General Manager, Renault Nissan Tech, will moderate the panel discussion. She is also a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Ambassador of Renault Nissan.

The Women in Mobility program recognized and featured women leaders in the mobility sector, who have been exemplary role models to many. These women leaders shared their career experiences, and the learning they have acquired, and further inspired and empowered the budding leaders to excel in their professional journey.

The goal of this program was to increase the number of women in the field, facilitate a platform to share opportunities & explore synergies and provide tools for growth

The special attraction of this celebration was the “Women’s Exclusive Mini-Endurance Race’ of all-terrain road electric buggies.

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