Tamil Nadu contributed 6% to Tata Asset Management’s substantial net inflows of INR 1,907 crore

Tamil Nadu

Chennai | 22nd February 2024 The equity mutual funds have witnessed a net inflow of 21,780.56 crore in January 2024, according to the latest data released by the Association of MutualFundsinIndia(AMFI). Therecentlyreleaseddatahighlightsthecontinuedgrowthofthe equity mutual funds sector in January 2024, affirming the preference of investors for this investment avenue. Overall, the mutual fund industry in India reported total assets under management(AUM) of R52.89 lakh crore across all schemes.

Breaking down the equity mutual fund category, small-cap funds attracted INR 3,527 crore, while the mid-capsegmentsawasubstantialinflowofINR2,061crore.Sectoral/thematic funds

and flexi-capcategoriesalsocontributedsignificantly, withnetinflowsofINR4,804.7crore and INR2,447crore, respectively.Thepositivetrendinthesecategoriesunderscoresthediversified interests of investors.

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