Mumbai, February 10th, 2024: – Amazon miniTV – Amazon’s free video streaming service, recently premiered its entrepreneurial drama, Hustlers- Jugaad Ka Khel, which is being applauded for bringing an inspiring narrative to the forefront. The series follows the story of Sanjay Sharma, a street-smart and determined small-town boy. The narrative revolves around his journey as …
Tag: Jugaad Ka Khel
“One must possess great patience and understand that success takes time,” Samir Kochhar on Hustlers: Jugaad Ka Khel
Mumbai, 8th February 2024: Amazon miniTV, Amazon’s free streaming service, released the much-anticipated entrepreneurial drama series Hustlers: Jugaad Ka Khel. Securing an impressive rating of 8.3 on IMDB, this show chronicles the journey of Sanjay Sharma, portrayed by Vishal Vashishtha, a young man from a small village near Kota. Constantly faced with struggles and competition …